MSP Management Commands

Commands specific to Managed Service Provider (MSP) tenants


Keeper Command Reference

Whether using the interactive shell, CLI or JSON config file, Keeper supports the following commands, each command supports additional parameters and options.

To get help on a particular command, run:

help <command>

MSP Commands



Display MSP details

Refresh local MSP data from server

Creates Managed Company

Removes Managed Company

Modify Managed Company licenses

Generate MSP Billing Reports

Generate MSP Legacy Report

Switch context to run commands as a managed company

Switch context to run commands as MSP

Convert an enterprise node into a managed company

Copy role enforcements from MSP to MCs

Options for managed MSPs. Edit licenses and view msp and mc details.

MSP Commands require a MSP type Keeper Account and MSP Admin privileges

msp-info command

Command: msp-info or mi

Detail: Display MSP details such as licenses and managed companies


  1. Show MSP Information

Example Output:

  MSP Plans and Licenses
  #  Plan Id           Available Licenses    Total Licenses    Stash
---  --------------  --------------------  ----------------  -------
  1  business                           6                10       10
  2  businessPlus                       8                10       10
  3  enterprise                         2                10       10
  4  enterprisePlus                     6                10       10

  #    ID  Name         Plan              Allocated    Active
---  ----  -----------  --------------  -----------  --------
  1  3861  Company 1     businessPlus              2         2
  2  3862  Company 2     enterprise                0         0
  3  3900  Company 3     business                  2         0
  4  3877  Company 4     enterprisePlus            4         0
  5  3863  Company 5     enterprise                8         0
  6  3875  Company 6     business                  2         0

msp-down command

Command: msp-down or md

Detail: Refresh local MSP data from server


  1. Download current MSP data from the Keeper Cloud


Command: msp-add

Details: Creates Managed Company


--plan or -p <{business, businessPlus, enterprise, enterprisePlus}> MC plan or product

--seats or -s <NUMBER OF SEATS> number of seats to add


Managed Company name.


msp-add --seats=10 --plan=enterprise "MC Name"

When a new managed company is created, Commander saves the new mc id as an environment variable last_mc_id See the documentation below about using this variable


Command: msp-remove

Details: Removes Managed Company


Managed Company name or ID


msp-remove 23456
msp-remove "MC Name"


Command: msp-update or mu

Details: Modify/Update Managed Company license


--node <NODE> Node name of Node ID

--plan or -p <{business, businessPlus, enterprise, enterprisePlus}> MC plan or product

--seats or -s <NUMBER OF SEATS> number of seats to add

--file-plan or -f <FILE_PLAN> File storage plan: 100gb, 1tb, 10tb

File Plan Options:

  • 100gb

  • 1tb

  • 10tb

--add-addon or -aa [ADDON NAME] allow the MSP to use the addon

--remove-addon or -ra [ADDON NAME] remove the addon from the msp

Addon options:

  • compliance_report

  • enterprise_audit_and_reporting

  • secrets_manager

  • enterprise_breach_watch

  • onboarding_and_certificate

  • msp_service_and_support

  • connection_manager

  • chat


Managed Company name or ID


msp-update mc2 --add-product business
msp-update --node 23613730193410 mc2


Command: msp-billing-report

Details: Generate MSP Billing Reports


--month YYYY-MM. Month for billing report: 2022-02

-d or --show-date. Breakdown report by date

-c or --show-company. Breakdown report by managed company

--format {json, csv, table} format to return the list as

--output [filename] if supplied, the output is saved to the given file

switch-to-mc command

Command: switch-to-mc

Detail: Change context to the given managed company, all commands will be run for that company


Managed company ID

note: see a list of managed company IDs with the msp-info command


switch-to-mc 3987 
  1. Change context to managed company with ID 3987

switch-to-msp command

Command: switch-to-msp

Detail: Change context back to MSP if previously switched to managed company context


  1. Change context to MSP

msp-convert-node command

Command: msp-convert-node

Detail: Convert an enterprise node into a managed company

Remove SSO provisioning before converting an enterprise node into a managed company


msp-convert-node <NODE ID or NAME>
  1. convert the given node into a managed company

msp-copy-role command

Command: msp-copy-role

Detail: Copy role enforcements from MSP to MCs

msp-copy-role <MC NAME> --role <ROLE NAME>

Parameters: MC name (Required) the name of the MC to copy a role to


--role <ROLE NAME> the role to copy


msp-copy-role SmithCoMC --role="Desktop Users" 

distributor commands

The distributor command is available to distributor accounts which manage MSPs.

The distributor command allows you to: list manage MSPs and their MCs, manage and edit the licenses available to MSPs, and view the overall usage of all MSPs being managed.

Sub Commands:

info View all managed MSPs

msp-info View information and usage of a specified MSP

license View or edit the license options for a specified MSP

distributor info

Command: distributor info

Detail: Lists all managed MSPs


--reload reload the list of MSPs

--format {json, csv, table} format to return the list as

--output [filename] if supplied, the output is saved to the given file

--mc-details show the managed companies under each MSP


distributor info
distributor info --mc-details --format csv --output msp-report.csv
  1. List manage MSPs

  2. Save a report of all managed MSPs and their managed companies to a file

distributor msp-info

Command: distributor msp-info <MSP NAME>

Detail: View information of a specified MSP

Parameters: MSP name or ID


--reload refresh MSP details

--format {json, csv, table} format to return the information as

--output [filename] if supplied, the output is saved to the given file


distributor msp-info "Bob's msp"
  1. See information about MSP "Bob's MSP"

distributor license

Command: distributor license [MSP NAME, ID, pattern, ...]

Detail: View or edit license availability for a MSP

Parameter: MSP name or ID


--add-product [PRODUCT NAME] add a product as an offering for the MSP

--remove-product [PRODUCT NAME] remove a product as an offering of the MSP

Product options:

  • business

  • enterprise

  • enterprise_plus

--add-addon [ADDON NAME] allow the MSP to use the addon

--remove-addon [ADDON NAME] remove the addon from the msp

Addon options:

  • compliance_report

  • enterprise_audit_and_reporting

  • secrets_manager

  • enterprise_breach_watch

  • onboarding_and_certificate

  • msp_service_and_support

  • connection_manager

  • chat

--max-file-plan [AMOUNT] set the maximum file plan the MSP can offer

--allocate-unlimited {true, false} if true, allow MSP to allocate unlimited licenses


distributor license "Bob's MSP" --add-product business
distributor license "My MSP" 3456 --max-file-plan 1TB
distributor license --allocate-unlimited=off *
  1. add the business product to the available offerings of "Bob's MSP"

  2. Set the maximum file plan offering of "My MSP" and MSP #3456 to 1 Terabyte

  3. Turn off the unlimited licenses for all managed MSPs

Last updated

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