Record Type Commands

Commands for creating and managing Record Types and Custom Templates

The commands associated with Record Types are listed below. For more information on record types, including example usage, see the documentation

Creating Record Types


Keeper Command Reference

Whether using the interactive shell, CLI or JSON config file, Keeper supports the following commands, each command supports additional parameters and options.

To get help on a particular command, run:

help <command>

All commands associated with record types



record-type-info or rti

List record types or see information about a specific record type

record-type or rt

Add, edit, or delete custom record types


Convert legacy records to record-typed records

record-type-info command:

Command: record-type-info or rti

Detail: List available record types. or details of a specific record type


-lr, --list-record <RECORD TYPE OR ID (optional)>

  • If record type name or ID is not given, lists all record type names and IDs

  • if a record type name or ID is given, displays the record type's details and fields

-lf, --list-field <FIELD NAME> show information about a specified field type. Can use "*" to show all fields.

-e, --example generate example json for a record type or field. *Must use with -lr or -lf

--syntax-help display extended help on record type parameters

--format <{csv, json, table}> choose the format to output in

--output <OUTPUT FILE> output results to a given file *ignored if table format is used


rti -lr login
rti -lf name
rti -lf *
rti -lr passport -e
rti --syntax-help
rti --output logs/record-types.csv --format csv
  1. show list of record types

  2. show details of the login record type

  3. show details of the name field type

  4. show details of all field types

  5. display an example of the passport record type

  6. display extended syntax help text

  7. write the record type information as a CSV to a file

record-type command:

Command: record-type or rt

Detail: Add, modify, or delete custom record types


Record type ID (if updating or deleting)


-a, --action <{add, update, remove}> action to perform

  • add - create a new custom record type

  • update - modify an existing custom record type

  • remove - delete an existing custom record type

--data <DATA> JSON formatted definition of the record type


Record types utilize the following formatting:

    { "$id": <record type name>,
     "fields": [ 
       { "$ref": <field type>}, 
       { "$ref": <field type>, "label": <foeld label(optional)>, required: <true/false (optional) }
      ] }


   "$id":"My Record Type",
   "fields": [
        "label":"Your name"
  • See a list of all field types here

  • Use the following command to see a list of available field types: rti -lf *


rt --action add --data '{"$id":"My Record Type", "fields": [{"$ref":"login","label":"AppLogin","required":true},{"$ref":"name","label":"Your name"},{"$ref":"address","required":true}]}'
rt 102 -a update --data '{"$id":"My Record Type", "fields": [{"$ref":"login","label":"AppLogin","required":true},{"$ref":"name","label":"Your name"}]}'
rt 102 -a remove
  1. Add a new record type named "My Record Type"

  2. Update the "My Record Type" record Type (which has an ID of 102 in this example). Here, the 'Address' field was removed

  3. Remove the record type with Id 102

convert command:

Required Version: v16.5.9+

Command: convert

Detail: Convert legacy (General typed or untyped) records to typed records.


Pattern to match records in the current folder. Matches against UIDs and titles. Can use "?" to match any single character and "*" to match any number of characters


-t, --record-type <RECORD TYPE OR ID > The type to convert records to

-q, --quiet Do not show info about matched and converted records

-u, --url <URL Pattern> Only converts records with URLs that match the given pattern. Can use "?" to match any single character and "*" to match any number of characters

-n, --dry-run Display the outcome of the conversion without converting any records

-r, --recursive apply conversion to all matching records in the current and child folders

--ignore-ownership convert records even if they are not owned by the current account


convert Dtvb84zwkBmZgxrUByUfpg --record-type login
convert * --record-type login --recursive --dry-run
convert * -t login -r
convert *sql* -t databaseCredentials 
convert *ssh-? -t sshKeys --recursive
  1. Convert the untyped record with the given UID to a login type record

  2. Perform a dry-run of conversion of all records in the vault and display what records would be converted. (will match all records if performed at the root directory)

  3. Convert all untyped records in the vault to login type (if performed at the root directory)

  4. Convert any untyped record that contains 'sql' in its name to a database credential

  5. Convert any record that ends in ssh-<anything> to a sshKey type record

    1. e.g convert a record titled "Github ssh-1" and a record titled "Github ssh-2"

Last updated

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