Connection and Tunnel Security

Security and encryption model of Connections and Tunnels


KeeperPAM provides the capability to establish cloud and on-prem privileged sessions, create tunnels, establish direct infrastructure access and secure remote database access.

What is a Connection?

A Connection is a visual remote session using the web browser. Interaction between the user and the target device is with a web browser window or within the Keeper Desktop application.

What is a Tunnel?

A Tunnel is a TCP/IP connection that is established between the local vault client through the Keeper Gateway to the target endpoint. The user can utilize any native application for communicating with the target endpoint, such as the command-line terminal, GUI application or database management application.

Connection and tunnel security

When the user establishes a connection or tunnel:

  1. The Vault Client application communicates to the Keeper Router infrastructure to initiate a WebRTC connection that is protected by a ECDH symmetric key that is stored inside the relevant Keeper record.

  2. The Keeper Gateway communicates with the Keeper Router through outbound-only WebSockets. This is described in detail in the Gateway Security section.

  3. The Keeper Gateway utilizes Keeper Secrets Manager APIs to retrieve the necessary secrets from the vault, including the ECDH symmetric key.

  4. For Connections, the Vault Client (using the Apache Guacamole protocol) passes data through the WebRTC connection to the Keeper Gateway that then uses Guacd to connect to the destination found in the Keeper record.

  5. For Tunneling features (port forwarding), a local port is opened up on the local device running Keeper Desktop software. Data sent to the local port is transmitted through the WebRTC connection to the Keeper Gateway and subsequently forwarded to the target endpoint defined in the Keeper record.

  6. Session recordings of connections are protected by an AES-256 encryption key ("recording key") which is generated on the Keeper Gateway on every session. The recording key is additionally wrapped by a HKDF-derived AES-256 resource key.

Last updated

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