One Time Access Token
Information about the One Time Access Token used to connect client devices to Keeper
Keeper Secrets Manager uses a "One Time Access Token" to perform a key exchange and initialize a new client device that will access the Secrets Manager API. Each client device should be initialized with its own, individual One-Time Access Token.
One time access tokens can be generated using Keeper Commander, or in the Keeper Vault. One time access tokens are generated when a client device is created.
The purpose of the One Time Access Token is to create a "Configuration", which is made up of several encryption keys and identifiers. Configurations are stored either locally on the client device or within the target CI/CD platform.
Using Commander To Generate a Token
1. Create an Application
If you already have an application that you would like to use, skip to step 3
Use secrets-manager app create
to create a new Secrets Manager application
secrets-manager app list
can be used to see a list of available applications.
2. Associate the Application to Shared Folders or Records
You need to assign Shared Folders or records with the application in order to give it access to the vault records.
From Commander, use the following command to share with an application:
secrets-manager share add --app <APPLICATION NAME> --secret <FOLDER OR RECORD UID>
Optionally use the --editable flag to give the application edit permissions.
In the example below, "XXX" would be replaced by a record or shared folder UID
To locate a Record UID or Folder UID, The ls -l
command can be used to see a list of records, and folders with the corresponding UIDs
3. Create a Client Device
An application is made up of one or more Client Devices. At least one client device is required to access vault records.
Use the command secrets-manager client add --app <APPLICATION NAME>
to create a new client device.
Optionally, --name <NAME>
can be used to set a client device name and --unlock-ip
can be used to allow any authenticated device to connect. By default, access is locked down based on external IP address of the client device.
Note the One-Time Access Token is displayed when the client device is created.
Copy the one time access token from the output and use it to initialize a device from the Keeper Secrets Manager SDKs or integrations. Once the token is used on a target device, it cannot be used again. You can generate as many client devices as you need to access the records associated to the application.
Using The Keeper Vault to Generate a Token
With a New Application
1. Navigate to Secrets Manager
In the Keeper Vault, select Secrets Manager from the navigation menu.
2. Create a New Application
To create a new Secrets Manager Application and generate a one time token, first select "Create Application" from the Secrets Manager tab. The "Create Application" button appears on the top right side of the page, or in the middle if no Applications currently exist.
In the Add Application Form, create a name for the new application
Use the dropdown to select which shared folder to give the application access to. Multiple Folders can be selected.
You will be able to add additional folders and records to the application after it is created.
You can choose to give this application read or edit permissions using the dropdown.
Optionally, check "Lock external WAN IP Address of device for initial request" to restrict the application's first client device to the first IP Address that connects to it.
3. Generate a One Time Access Token
Once you've configured the application, click "Generate Access Token" to generate the first client device and receive a one time token.
Copy the one time access token from the output and use it to initialize a device from the Keeper Secrets Manager SDKs or integrations. Once the token is used on a target device, it cannot be used again. You can generate as many client devices as you need to access the records associated to the application.
With an Existing Application
1. Navigate to Secrets Manager
In the Keeper Vault, select Secrets Manager from the navigation menu.
2. Create a New Client Device on an Existing Application
To create a new client device and generate new one time tokens on existing Secrets Manager applications, first select the application to use from the list in the Secrets Manager tab.
Selecting an application opens the details view, which shows the folders and records that this application has access to.
In order to create a new client device, first navigate to the "Devices" tab, and then click "Edit" and then the "+ Device" button.
In the Add Device form, select a name for the new device. Optionally you can check "Lock external WAN IP Address of device for initial request" to restrict the client device to the first IP Address that connects to it.
3. Generate a One Time Access Token
Click "Generate Access Token" to create the client device and see the one time token.
Copy the one time access token from this screen to use it with Keeper Secrets Manager SDKs and integrations, you will not be able to access this token in the future (but you can create additional client devices to generate more tokens).
Generating Configurations
Some of the 3rd party Keeper Secrets Manager integrations require pre-built configurations, instead of creating the configuration from a one-time access token.
The next section reviews how to create a Secrets Manager Configuration.
Last updated
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