In this guide you will learn how to set up password rotation using Okta and the Keeper PAM Gateway using "NOOP mode". This is a flag set in the Keeper record which tells the Gateway to skip the primary rotation method and directly execute the Post-Rotation script.
This guide includes prerequisites, step-by-step instructions, and a Python script example.
KSM Application: Ensure that the Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM) application is set up.
Shared Folder: A shared folder should be set up where all the records will be stored.
PAM Configuration: Ensure that the PAM Configuration is set up and that the Gateway is running and attached to this configuration.
Okta API Token: You will need an Okta API Token to interact with the Okta API.
Step 1: Obtain Okta API Token
Follow the steps in the official Okta documentation to generate an API token.
Store this API token in a Keeper record. The record can be of any type, but for this example, we will use a "Login" type.
Store the API Token in the "password" field.
Store the Organization URL in the "Website Address" field.
Name this record "Okta API Access Details" as this title will be used to fetch the record in the script later.
Step 2: Set Up Rotation Record
Create a new PAM User record to store Okta User details whose password will be rotated.
Set the username to match the Okta user's email address.
Set the password to the current password set for the user.
Okta SDK only supports password rotation if the current password is valid. If the password is incorrect, the rotation will fail.
Step 3: Add PAM Script
Attach the below Python script that will perform the password rotation. The script has additional comments inside that describe each line.
Add the "Rotation Credential" record, which is the record created in Step 1 containing the Okta API Token and Organization URL.
Enable No-Operation (NOOP) atomic execution:
In the current PAM User record where user's details are stored, create a new custom text field labeled NOOP and set its value to True.
Step 4: Configure Password Rotation Settings
Rotation Type: Set it to "On-Demand" for this example.
Password Complexity: Leave it as default unless you have specific requirements.
Rotation Settings: Point to the PAM Configuration set up earlier.
Administrative Credentials Record: Can should be left empty
Below is a screenshot of a fully loaded Okta Rotation record.
Step 5: Python Environment Setup
The below steps are related to the environment where the Keeper Gateway is running.
Ensure that the Python environment has all necessary dependencies installed.
If you want to use a virtual environment, add a shebang line at the top of the script.
Ensure that the shebang line does not contain spaces. If it does, create a symbolic link without spaces.
Below is an example to create a symbolic link on Linux:
sudo ln -s "/Users/john/PAM Rotation Example/.venv/bin/python3" /usr/local/bin/pam_rotation_venv_python3
Python Script
The Python script below is well-commented and follows best practices. It imports necessary modules, initializes variables, and defines functions for various tasks like finding a password by its title, fetching all Okta users, and rotating the password for the particular user.
# NOTE: If spaces are present in the path to the python interpreter, the script will fail to execute.
# This is a knows limitation of the shebang line in Linux and you will need to create a symlink
# to the python interpreter in a path that does not contain spaces.
# For example: sudo ln -s "/usr/local/bin/my python3.11" /usr/local/bin/pam_rotation_venv_python3
import asyncio
import sys
import base64
import json
# CAUTION: Okta SDK only allows password reset where the previous password is supplied.
# If the operation fails, this script will NOT roll back to the old password.
# Please ensure that the old password is correct before running this script.
# This script is provided as an example only and is not supported by Keeper Security.
# Display Python version
print(f"# Python version: {sys.version}")
# Display installed packages. Uncomment lines below to inspect the environment to make sure that the
# required packages are installed.
# import pkg_resources
# print("# \n# Print installed packages for debugging purposes:")
# installed_packages = pkg_resources.working_set
# installed_packages_list = sorted(["%s==%s" % (i.key, i.version) for i in installed_packages])
# for m in installed_packages_list:
# print(f" {m}")
# Import Okta modules
import okta
from okta.client import Client as OktaClient
except ImportError:
print("# Error: Okta client package is not installed. Run 'pip install okta' to install.")
# Function to find a password by its title in the records
def find_password_by_title(records, target_title):
"""Search for a password by its title in the given records."""
for record in records:
if record['title'] == target_title:
return record['password']
return None # Return None if no matching record is found
# Initialize variables
okta_api_access_details_title = 'ROT5: Okta API Access Details'
okta_api_access_details_record = None
# Read and decode input parameters from stdin
for base64_params in sys.stdin:
params = json.loads(base64.b64decode(base64_params).decode())
# Print available params for debugging purposes
# print(f"# \n# Available params for the script:")
# for key, value in params.items():
# print(f"# {key}={value}")
# Decode and load records
records = json.loads(base64.b64decode(params.get('records')).decode())
# Find the Okta API access details record
okta_api_access_details_record = next(
(record for record in records if record['title'] == okta_api_access_details_title), None)
# Exit if Okta API credentials are not found
if okta_api_access_details_record is None:
print(f"# Error: No Okta API Credentials record found with title: {okta_api_access_details_title}")
# Extract Okta configuration details
okta_org_url = okta_api_access_details_record.get('url')
okta_org_token = okta_api_access_details_record.get('password')
old_password = params.get('oldPassword')
new_password = params.get('newPassword')
# Initialize Okta client
config = {
"orgUrl": okta_org_url,
"token": okta_org_token
okta_client = OktaClient(config)
async def get_all_users():
"""Fetch all Okta users."""
users, _, err = await okta_client.list_users()
if err:
print(f"# Error: {err}")
return users
async def get_okta_user_by_email(email):
"""Fetch an Okta user by their email."""
print(f"# Fetching all Okta users...")
users = await get_all_users()
print(f"# Searching for user with email: {email}")
found_user = next((user for user in users if == email), None)
return found_user
async def rotate(user_id_to_rotate, old_password, new_password):
"""Rotate the password for a given Okta user."""
change_pwd_request = {
"oldPassword": old_password,
"newPassword": new_password,
result, _, err = await okta_client.change_password(user_id_to_rotate, change_pwd_request)
if err:
print(f"# Error: {err}")
print(f"# Password changed successfully for user: {user_id_to_rotate}")
async def main():
"""Main function to execute the password rotation."""
user_email = params.get('user')
print(f"# Fetching Okta user by email: {user_email}. This is required to get the user's Okta ID.")
print(f"# If user id is present then there is no need to fetch the user by email and instead just use the user id.")
user_from_okta = await get_okta_user_by_email(user_email)
print(f"# Getting user id from Okta user")
user_from_okta_id = if user_from_okta else None
print(f"# Rotating password for user: {user_from_okta_id}")
if user_from_okta_id:
await rotate(user_from_okta_id, old_password, new_password)
print("# Error: User {user_email} not found in Okta.")
print("# Please ensure that the user exists in Okta and try again.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("# Starting the main async function...")
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Bash script version
The Bash script below is well-commented and follows best practices. It initializes variables, and defines functions for various tasks like finding a password by its title, and rotating the password for the particular user.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# CAUTION: Okta only allows password reset where the previous password is supplied.
# If the operation fails, this script will NOT roll back to the old password.
# Please ensure that the old password is correct before running this script.
# This script is provided as an example only and is not supported by Keeper Security.
# This will be executed as the following
# history -c && echo "BASE64STRING==" | /path/to/
# Without this the script might report a success
# if something fails in the script.
set -o pipefail -e
IFS= read -r params
json=$(echo "$params" | base64 -d)
# There is no built in JSON parser.
# In order to parse JSON, a tool like jq or fx is required.
$(echo "$json" | jq -r 'keys[] as $k | "export \($k)=\(.[$k])"')
# Set your Okta API token and organization URL
recordJson=$(echo "$records" | base64 -d)
OKTA_API_RECORD="Okta API Access Details"
OKTA_API_TOKEN=$(echo "$recordJson" | jq -r ".[] | select(.title == \"$OKTA_API_RECORD\").password")
OKTA_ORG_URL=$(echo "$recordJson" | jq -r ".[] | select(.title == \"$OKTA_API_RECORD\").url")
# Set the user's ID and the new password
curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS "$OKTA_API_TOKEN"" \
-d '{
"oldPassword": "'"$OLD_PASSWORD"'",
"newPassword": "'"$NEW_PASSWORD"'"
}' "$OKTA_ORG_URL/api/v1/users/$USER_ID/credentials/change_password"