Exec Command

Execute arbitrary system calls and replaces templated environment variables with Keeper vault secrets

exec command

To perform magic environment variable substitution, use the ksm exec command.


System call or script to run with replaced environment variables

format: ksm exec -- <SYSTEM CALL OR SCRIPT>

Example Linux bash script


# Bash script that pulls Keeper secrets 

connect_db() {
  echo "Database Password:" $DB_PASSWORD

call_stripe() {
  echo "API Key:" $API_KEY


Set a couple environment variables then execute the script:

$ export DB_PASSWORD="keeper://XXX/field/password"
$ export API_KEY="keeper://XXX/custom_field/API Key"

$ ksm exec -- ./my_script.sh

Database Password: ksv33110sbnb7W@b3VGCHb
API Key: sk_test_MY2A30Ofg6Ukkq2NjMQVo87c

Example Windows batch file

C:\> ksm exec -- my_script.bat

Example PowerShell script

PS C:\> ksm exec -- powershell my_script.ps1

Environment Variable Replacement

Environment variables must be templated so that the CLI can find and replace them correctly. For example:

export DB_PASSWORD="keeper://XXX/field/password"
export API_KEY="keeper://XXX/custom_field/API Key"

See the Keeper Notation documentation for more information on notation query format and capabilities

Example Shell Script

Below is a Linux bash script example. Before an application is started or a command is run, any environment variables that start with keeper:// will be replaced with secret values from the vault. Make sure to replace XXXX with the Record UID of the secret.

export MY_PASSWORD=keeper://XXXX/field/password
export MY_OTHER_PASSWORD=keeper://XXXX/field/password[0]
export MY_LAST_NAME=keeper://XXXX/custom_field/Name 2[last]
export MY_SECOND_PHONE=keeper://XXXX/custom_field/phone[1][number]

Here's a simple bash script that prints the secrets to the console:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "My Password = \${MY_PASSWORD}"
echo "Other Password = \${MY_OTHER_PASSWORD}"
echo "My Last Name = \${MY_LAST_NAME}"
echo "My Second Phone = \${MY_SECOND_PHONE}"

And here's the output from executing the bash script with ksm exec

$ ksm exec -- ./my_script.sh

My Password = $71387feh24fE%4416ffFHA
Other Password = YYFash328f^F^@#Fsdfjhsgblqef'f;
My Last Name = Smith
My Second Phone = 123-456-7890

Last updated

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