Miscellaneous Commands
Helpful commands for miscellaneous functionality.
Keeper Command Reference
Whether using the interactive shell, CLI or JSON config file, Keeper supports the following commands, each command supports additional parameters and options.
To get help on a particular command, run:
help <command>
Set device logout and persistent login preferences
login to Keeper
information on logged in user
logout from Leeper
documentation on a given Commander command
or d
download, sync, and decrypt vault
or v
display Commander version and path information
or c
clear the screen
or run
Execute commands sequentially from the provided file.
Generate a secure password
Verify the integrity of imported records
Verify the integrity of records in shared folders
Reset the master password
Calculate and update security data for all user-owned password records (enterprise only)
Add delay (in seconds) between batch commands
Display or manage KeeperFill settings
2FA settings management
this-device command
Command: this-device
Detail: Set device logout and persistent login preferences
rename <Name of Device>: Change the name of the device
register: Encrypts the user's data key with the device public key in order to utilize persistent login sessions
persistent-login <ON|OFF>: Turn on or off the "Stay Logged In" setting for your account
ip-auto-approve <ON|OFF>: Control the IP Address device auto-approval security setting for your account
no-yubikey-pin <ON|OFF>: Turn on or off the PIN usage on Security Key (Webauthn) devices.
timeout: Set inactivity duration before automatic logout. Default unit is minutes (can be set to hours or days by appending "h" or "d", respectively).
Display the available options
Rename the device that shows up in access logs
Enable "Stay Logged In" on the account
Register the user's "encrypted data key" with the server, for use in persistent login sessions
Enables IP Address auto-approval (applies to master password logins only)
Set the inactivity timeout to 10 minutes
Set the inactivity timeout to 24 hours
login command
Command: login
Detail: Login to Keeper
Email address of account to login to
-p, --password password of Keeper account
You will be prompted to enter the password if it is not provided with the switch
Login to John Doe's Keeper account. Will be prompted for password
Login to Jane Doe's Keeper account with the given password
whoami command
Command: whoami
Detail: Display information about the currently logged in user
-v, --verbose include current datacenter and Commander environment
See detailed user information
See detailed user information with the current datacenter and environment
Example Output:
logout command
Command: logout
Detail: Logout of Keeper
Logout of Keeper
help command
Command: help
Detail: Display information about a given Commander command or a list of all available commands.
A Commander command to see information for. To see a list of all available commands, leave unspecified.
See detailed information on add command
See detailed information on sync-down command
See list of all available commands
create-account command
Command: create-account
Details: Create a Keeper Account. You will be prompted to enter a password for the account, and then a verification email code.
Email address to use for the account.
sync-down command
Command: sync-down
or d
Detail: Download, sync, and decrypt vault
Sync vault
Sync vault
version command
Command: version
or v
Detail: Display Commander version and path information
-v display information about the underlying SDK, OS, working directory, and configuration file
Show current Commander version
Show current Commander version, as well as the SDK version, OS, working directory, and configuration file
clear command
Command: clear
or c
Detail: Clear all lines from the screen
clear all lines from the screen
run-batch command
Command: run-batch
or run
Detail: Execute commands sequentially from the provided file.
-d [seconds]
Specify a delay of this number of seconds in between commands. This will help in preventing throttling on the backend.
Quiet mode
or --dry-run
Preview the commands that will be run without execution.
generate command
Requires Commander v16.5.10+
Command: generate
Detail: Generate a secure password
or --clipboard-copy
copy the created password to the clipboard
or --no-breachwatch
skip Breachwatch check
-f <{table, json}>
or --format <{table, json}>
select an output method for the generated password
requires Commander v16.5.11+
or --json-indent <NUMBER>
with json format:
0 for plain json output
a number greater than 0 to select the indentation for easy to read output
requires Commander v16.5.11+
or --number [NUMBER]
create the given number of passwords
or --count [LENGTH]
length of the password
or --symbols [SYMBOLS]
minimum number of special symbols to include in the password
or --digits [DIGITS]
minimum number of digits to include in the password
or --uppercase [UPPSERCASE]
minimum number of uppercase letters to include in the password
or --lowercase [LOWERCASE]
minimum number of lowercase letters to include in the password
or --dice-rolls [DICE_ROLLS]
number of dice rolls
Generate a secure password
Generate a secure password that is 12 characters longs with at least 2 uppercase letters and 2 symbols and copy the password to the system clipboard
Generate a password and show password strength, and Breachwatch result in plain json format
Generate 10 diceware passwords of 6 words
generate dice-roll passwords
Requires Commander v16.7.6+
Command: generate --dice-rolls
Detail: Generate a dice roll secure password consisting of random words
generate a dice roll password, and identify how many words to generate
--word-list <WORD LIST FILENAME>
optionally use a file of words to use as a wordlist
generate a password of 6 random words
generate a password of 5 random words from the given file of words
verify-records command
Command: verify-records
Detail: Check for record format integrity and perform necessary repairs to record structure. Edge cases are added to this command when issues in the field are reported to Keeper support.
verify-shared-folders command
Command: verify-shared-folders
Name or UID of shared folder to check. Leave blank to check all
Detail: Check for records in shared folders that do not have the correct shared data key, then add the correct key where needed
reset-password command
Command: reset-password
Detail: reset the account's master password
deletes SSO master password
the current master password
the new password to set as master password
Hint: you can use the generate command to generate a secure password within Commander
security-audit sync command
Command: security-audit sync
or sas
This command is available only to enterprise administrators
Detail: Sync security audit data for enterprise vault(s). Used to correct mis-matching summary security audit scores as seen by the user (in their vault) and by an enterprise administrator (either in the admin console app or via a call to security-audit-report
in Commander)
Username(s) of vault(s) whose security data are to be synced. Multiple values allowed. Specify@all
to perform sync for all enterprise vaults.
Do a "soft" sync of security data. Does not require corresponding vault login. This is the default sync-type.
Do a "medium" sync of security data. Can sync some data without the corresponding vault login.
Do a "hard" sync of security data. No data are synced until the corresponding vault login occurs.
or --force
Perform sync without being prompted for confirmation (non-interactive mode)
or --verbose
Output a Security Audit report after performing sync
Perform a "soft" sync of security data for vault owned by user1@domain.com
Initiate a "hard" security-data sync for the vaults belonging to user2@domain.com and user3@domain.com
Initiate a "hard" security-data sync for all vaults in the enterprise
Perform a "hard" sync of security-audit data for user1@domain.com and run a Security Audit report immediately after. Note that, in this scenario, you should expect the resulting report to show all 0s in the affected vault's summary scores (to be updated eventually once the affected owner logs in to their vault).
Hint: If the total password record count shown in a user's vault (in "Security Audit" view) differs from the corresponding value shown in the admin console (also in "Security Audit" view) or the output of Commander's security-audit-report --show-updated
command, use the --hard
flag to force a summary security audit score reset/re-calculation to re-align those values.
For more on the use of this command to correct mis-aligned security scores, please refer to the "Security Audit Report Score Re-alignment Process" section of our Troubleshooting page.
This command is deprecated. If your goal is to add delay between commands, please refer to the run-batch
Command: sleep
Detail: Add delay (in seconds) between batch commands
The number of seconds, the delay, to be added between batch commands
Sleep for 5 seconds
keeper-fill command
Command: keeper-fill
Detail: Display or manage KeeperFill settings. For example, this allows you to view/change the "Autofill" and "Auto Submit" preferences on a specific Keeper record.
To get help on the command run:
Possible values for "set" command: none, off, on.
If set to "none", the behavior of the browser extension is to follow the user preference (in the browser extension general Settings screen). If the value is set to "on" or "off", the browser extension will follow the setting for the record.
Example commands:
2fa command
Command: 2fa
Detail: Display, add, or delete manage 2FA settings.
To get help on the command run:
Example commands:
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