iOS Version 16.11.0

Released Sept. 16th, 2024


  • IOS-7429: Introduced the latest long-tap gesture for autofill, enhancing the efficiency of filling out forms and credentials with information directly from Keeper.

    • Devices running iOS18 can now fill credentials from Keeper records by simply long-tapping any field in an app or website and selecting information from your Keeper records.

  • IOS-7401: Improved Verification Code input for autofill, Keeper will automatically suggest verification codes when necessary during login.

    • Verification codes or Time-based One-Time passwords (TOTP) will be offered to the user in the same login flow without needing to leave the app, or copy and paste.

iOS18 is required to take advantage of these new autofill features. Visit our iOS User Guides to learn more about Keeperfill with iOS18.

Bug Fixes:

  • iOS-7437: Addressed a bug where the application may freeze during search on accounts with a large record number in their vault.

  • iOS-7438: Replaced deprecated instance of ‘openURL’ with the latest iOS18 version.

  • iOS-7439: Fix for how tab bars work on iOS18. Updated compact mode to retain functionality that users are used to on operating systems prior to iOS18

  • iOS-7444: Updated localization dialogue when using the new long-tap autofill feature.

  • iOS-7425: Fix for application freeze when attempting to remove a shared user or making the shared user the new owner.

  • iOS-7449: Address region routing when onboarding a new US[GOV] user.

  • iOS-7451: Display proper wrapping on long titles and emails in the latest long-tap autofill screens.

Last updated